A tremendous selection of dry flies, whether you are fishing the Yellow Sally hatch or wanting to cast some Caddis we have some must have dry flies for you!
A great large attracting dry fly ant. This is a great option for a dry dropper rig!
Is a normal para-adams just not getting the job done? Try throwing this bright cousin to the old tried and true.
The Trixie is an impressionistic terrestrial pattern that trout may take for a hopper, stonefly, or any other number of bugs.
The More or Less Hopper is a new staple in hopper boxes from Deadwood to Driggs, with its barred sexy-floss legs and realistic eyes, this hopper just plain cleans up.
Long tails and clear polywings make this trico spinner imitation both float high and look just like the real deal.
The TILT WING DUN is a great pattern to have for any BWO hatch.
Advanced Stimi rubber leg trout dry fly for sale
PURPLE PARACHUTE ADAM'S- A modern twist on a classic. Available at the Ugly Bug Fly Shop.
A super classic fish catching dry fly. Available at Ugly Bug Fly Shop.
PANTY DROPPER HOPPER is one of the best western grass hopper imitations on the market.
The Elk Hair Caddis is a dry fly commonly used for trout fishing. The Elk Hair Caddis was created by Pennsylvania fly tyer Al Troth in 1957.