Fishing Flies from Montana Fly Company, Umpqua, Solitude, and others. Custom flies for the North Platte River, Grey Reef, Miracle Mile and Fremont Canyon
An industry standard pattern to have in your streamer box!
A pattern that will fish 365 on the North Platte River!
A crankily larva imitation may be the most overlooked nymph by many fly fishermen. Â
Coffey's Cone Head Sparkle Minnow is a staple streamer in western rivers.
This mini crayfish interpretation is a phenomenal trout fly
One of the most popular late-winter early-spring nymphs, the Caviar Scud looks like scuds and sowbugs.Â
Scuds can be a go-to pattern in this area- especially in the Big Horn out of Thermopolis. If you're heading that way, be sure to have a few Ish's Butt Scudlys in your box!