Fly Tying Storage boxes and bags sold at the ugly bug fly shop
The Umpqua Traveler Tying Kit Bag perfect for trips and keeping all your gear clean and organized!
Rotate the tool stand body and move the tool you want to pick up to a position where it is easy to take out.
Hareline's Bead/Hook Storage Foamanizer Module 12" provides an organized, efficient solution for storing beads and hooks securely and safely in one compact unit.
These Pouches can be added/attached for increased storage capacity and storage customization on the Umpqua ZS2 Fly Tying Kit Bag
The Fulling Mill dubbing box has 12 separate compartments for holding dubbing selections.
A huge step towards streamlining your fly tying station.
Hareline Foamanizer Whole Enchilada has a little bit of everything built in for organizing your fly tying station. The Whole Enchilada Module is compatible with all other Foamanizer products.
Hareline Straight Foamanizer Junction 2 Pack. A sturdier option for connecting two modules together.
Hareline Angled Foamanzier Junction 2 Pack aids in connecting multiple Foamanizer Modules at and angle.