Loon Outdoors Ergo Dialed-In Bobbin
Ergo Dialed-In Bobbin
$27.00 USD
Loon Outdoors

Ergo Dialed-In Bobbin

USD 27.00 Excl. tax

Perfect shape + perfect tension = perfect flies (hopefully)

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Product description

Perfect shape + perfect tension = perfect flies (hopefully)

The iconic Ergo Bobbin series gets an upgrade to allow tyers to perfectly dial in their tension, just like the drag on a fly reel.  The powder coated ergonomic handle rests comfortably in tyers hands, while the dual-radiused tube allows thread to travel smoothly from spool to fly.


-Ergonomic design for maximum comfort
-Twist dial allows tyers to adjust tension
-Double-radius stainless steel tube
-Powder coated

Product information
Brand Loon Outdoors
EAN 782420069637
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