Curtis Fleming of Fly Rod Chronicles

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Curtis Fleming of Fly Rod Chronicles

In this week's episode, Blake is joined by Curtis Fleming, host of @FlyRodChronicles. The two share a lively conversation about Curtis' fishing journeys, how media is shaping angling, and the importance of family.

Curtis Fleming of Fly Rod Chronicles

Curtis and Blake have been fishing together for years- this is not to mention the life long friendship that has been built over sharing their love of the sport. Curtis is the host of Fly Rod Chronicles, which is America's most watched Fly-Fishing series found on the Discovery Channel. Curtis is much more than an angler and TV host. He is a dedicated family man who has a passion for people and their stories, and uses his show to share those stories to the masses. Blake and Curtis share a lively conversation about Curtis' fishing journeys, how media is shaping angling, and the importance of family.

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