Fremont Canyon: Flow Reduction

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Fremont Canyon: Flow Reduction

Things are looking up as Fremont Canyon flows are going down.

We are happy to report that Fremont Canyon flows have dropped from 2,800 CFS to a clean 1,500 CFS.  Though they are not back down to the flows we know and love (≈80 CFS), the meadows are far more wadable than it has been the last few months. It is up in the air as to why flows are so high on this stretch. Some of it can be contributed to an accident that took place earlier this year in the canyon itself that resulted in a diversion of water. As for the current flows, we are unsure, but pleased nonetheless to see them dropping. Though this stretch is fishing differently than we are used to, it is still fishing. Caddis and PMDs are coming off in the afternoon. Given the adjustments in water flows, main protein sources are fishing well- leeches and worms are great patterns to fill your rig. About 5 feet to and AB is a great place to start your rig at. Despite the drop in flows, we would advise against trying to get back in to the canyon as many of the necessary rocks to hop your way back there are still submerged. Feel free to give the shop a call with any other questions! 

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