We would like to congratulate our guide Devin and his client Stephanie on landing yet another trophy Brown Trout on the North Platte. After winning a trip with us, Stephanie booked a full day for her and her friend.
In fact, this is the largest Brown Trout ever caught on the North Platte on a fly rod to our knowledge. We are incredibly proud not only of our guide staff, but also of our passionate clients who make moments like these even more special.
450cfs is here to stay- at least for a little while longer. The Bureau of Reclamation has notified the public of it’s latest plan to release water from Gray Reef Dam. “Releases from Gray Reef Dam will remain at 450cfs through the end of May and possibly into June. The below-average flows from Gray Reef Dam are due to the higher-than-average reservoir levels at Glendo Reservoir.” ~Media Contact USBR: Michael Fullom
The Ugly Bug Fly Shop and Crazy Rainbow Fly Fishing promo video. Located in Downtown Casper, Wyoming, the Ugly Bug Fly Shop offers anglers the latest and greatest in tackle and supplies.
ITS back and kicks off today! Each year the Two Fly Foundation comes together in an effort to rally donors and contestants to to do what we do best in WY- fly fish! Fly fishermen and women from the oil and gas industry square off in two man teams filling more than 30 boats!