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- By MP

The Bureau of Reclamation has posted the spring flush dates for 2025. Be on the look out for fluctuating flows from March 17th -26th.
The Spring Flush dates have been posted for 2025. Be on the lookout for fluctuating flows from March 17th-26th on the Grey Reef section of the North Platte. The picture above shows the schedule for this years flush.
The flush is meant to clean the river bottom of any sediment in order to provide clean beds for the rainbow spawn. The Bureau of Reclamation will stairstep flows through the night and early morning for about 10 days. Big pushes of water will clear out any sediment clogging the riverbed.
For those of you who are thinking about traveling up this way, usually the first few days of the flush is best avoided while the fish get used to change in water levels. However, after a few days once they settle in, fishing can actually be pretty cool. The rise and fall of water levels pushes tons of worms, leeches and other proteins around in the system, creating the perfect few days for fish to gorge themselves.
Feel free to call with any questions or concerns regarding this years flush.