Winter Fishing on the North Platte

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  • By MP
Winter Fishing on the North Platte

Here at the Ugly Bug, we run trips 365. So let's talk winter fishing on the North Platte. From what they're eating, to where they're eating.

When things get colder around here we tend to see less quantity fish days and more quality fish days. Bigger fish love streamers and so do we. Galloup’s Peanut Envy’s, Rusty Trombone's and Articulated Goldie's have seemed to be the ticket on the Grey Reef and the Miracle Mile. This time of year we stick with a standard nymph rig of rock worms, leeches, and small midges if streamers aren't your style. Fish become more lethargic this time of year, and tend to go for a few big meals rather than a bunch of small bugs. Fishing mid day, when temps are at their highest will be the most productive. Stick to fishing deep water and tail-outs. The first 10 miles of the Grey Reef will be the most productive this time of year, and if you're looking for the big trout, the Miracle Mile is a great option. Again, less numbers this time of year but the average size is typically higher. Flows will stay at about 500CFS on the Grey Reef and Miracle Mile through the winter. Stay warm out there! 

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